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Backend Type: kubernetes

Stores the state in a Kubernetes secret.

This backend supports state locking, with locking done using a Lease resource.

Example Configuration

terraform {
backend "kubernetes" {
secret_suffix = "state"
config_path = "~/.kube/config"

This assumes the user/service account running OpenTofu has permissions to read/write secrets in the namespace used to store the secret.

If the config_path or config_paths attribute is set the backend will attempt to use a kubeconfig file to gain access to the cluster.

If the in_cluster_config flag is set the backend will attempt to use a service account to access the cluster. This can be used if OpenTofu is being run from within a pod running in the Kubernetes cluster.

For most use cases either in_cluster_config, config_path, or config_paths will need to be set. If all flags are set the configuration at config_path will be used.

Note that for the access credentials we recommend using a partial configuration.

Example Referencing

data "terraform_remote_state" "foo" {
backend = "kubernetes"
config = {
secret_suffix = "state"
load_config_file = true

Configuration Variables

The following configuration options are supported:

  • secret_suffix - (Required) Suffix used when creating secrets. Secrets will be named in the format: tfstate-{workspace}-{secret_suffix}.
  • labels - (Optional) Map of additional labels to be applied to the secret and lease.
  • namespace - (Optional) Namespace to store the secret and lease in. Can be sourced from KUBE_NAMESPACE.
  • in_cluster_config - (Optional) Used to authenticate to the cluster from inside a pod. Can be sourced from KUBE_IN_CLUSTER_CONFIG.
  • host - (Optional) The hostname (in form of URI) of Kubernetes master. Can be sourced from KUBE_HOST. Defaults to https://localhost.
  • username - (Optional) The username to use for HTTP basic authentication when accessing the Kubernetes master endpoint. Can be sourced from KUBE_USER.
  • password - (Optional) The password to use for HTTP basic authentication when accessing the Kubernetes master endpoint. Can be sourced from KUBE_PASSWORD.
  • insecure - (Optional) Whether server should be accessed without verifying the TLS certificate. Can be sourced from KUBE_INSECURE. Defaults to false.
  • client_certificate - (Optional) PEM-encoded client certificate for TLS authentication. Can be sourced from KUBE_CLIENT_CERT_DATA.
  • client_key - (Optional) PEM-encoded client certificate key for TLS authentication. Can be sourced from KUBE_CLIENT_KEY_DATA.
  • cluster_ca_certificate - (Optional) PEM-encoded root certificates bundle for TLS authentication. Can be sourced from KUBE_CLUSTER_CA_CERT_DATA.
  • config_path - (Optional) Path to the kube config file. Can be sourced from KUBE_CONFIG_PATH.
  • config_paths - (Optional) List of paths to kube config files. Can be sourced from KUBE_CONFIG_PATHS.
  • config_context - (Optional) Context to choose from the config file. Can be sourced from KUBE_CTX.
  • config_context_auth_info - (Optional) Authentication info context of the kube config (name of the kubeconfig user, --user flag in kubectl). Can be sourced from KUBE_CTX_AUTH_INFO.
  • config_context_cluster - (Optional) Cluster context of the kube config (name of the kubeconfig cluster, --cluster flag in kubectl). Can be sourced from KUBE_CTX_CLUSTER.
  • token - (Optional) Token of your service account. Can be sourced from KUBE_TOKEN.
  • exec - (Optional) Configuration block to use an exec-based credential plugin, e.g. call an external command to receive user credentials.
    • api_version - (Required) API version to use when decoding the ExecCredentials resource, e.g.
    • command - (Required) Command to execute.
    • args - (Optional) List of arguments to pass when executing the plugin.
    • env - (Optional) Map of environment variables to set when executing the plugin.